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I told him i was gonna go upstairs and take a shower he said ok and scarfed down some chips. I ran upstairs and quickly showered for about 5 minutes. I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel and hopped down stairs. It was a fairly short towel and only went to a little above my knees. Anyway, I got downstairs and sat down with him on the couch. "Hey, watcha watchin'?" I asked. He looked at me and seemed kinda puzzled but then answered "Oh just umm... uh... Family Guy." I looked down to make sure my towel hadn't fallen of and it hadn't. "I'm gunna go up and put on some clothes, ok?" I asked. He nodded yes. I slowly walked up the stairs and looked down at my brother trying to peek up the towel. I rushed up then and quickly ran into my room and shut the door. I dropped my towel and put on my bra but i was having trouble with my panties cause i couldn't find any. I finally found a pair went to put them on while my butt was facing the door and all the sudden my bro walked in and. I was just too drunk to get back inside. So fuck it, I’m just gonna piss against this wall. Not sure why, but rather than just pulling my dick out, I dropped my pants exposing my jock strap covered ass. Pulling my jock aside I pulled free my dick. I had such a wicked piss hardon. Trying to not piss on my pants or shoes I had to bend slightly. I wobbled and fell against the firm brinks, and I could feel a cool breeze on my exposed hole as I emptied my bladder onto the wall.Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Kent standing behind me. He was a year ahead of me. I had seen him at the party too. He had also dropped his pants and I thought he was gonna piss next to me. Instead he pissed on me, covering my exposed hole with his hot piss. Then without warning he stepped forward shoving his hard cock deep inside my piss coated virgin jock hole.Here I was on a lit street getting fucked for the first time in my life. And my cock was harder than ever. I reached down to.
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